Address | Opening hours | Directions
Highnoon Studios Hamburg
Stahltwiete 20
22761 Hamburg
+49 40 450 60 700
Opening hours
Monday – Friday
9 am – 6 pm
Registration and office on the 2nd floor
The cargo elevator is located on the short end of the building. The dimensions are: L 135cm W 115cm H 200cm. Please contact us for instruction, we will be happy to help you using it.
How to get there by public transport
Next S-Bahn station Ottensen 6 min walk. Or take the 2 / 3 / 288 bus to Schützenstraße Mitte. Bahnhof Altona, 20 min walk
Directions by car
Coming from the west, head east on Stresemannstraße and turn right onto Stahltwiete. The destination is on the left-hand side. Our building is in the backyard.
Coming from the east / city center, drive past Stahltwiete on Stresemannstraße/B4 and then turn around at McDonald's or the intersection after it. Then turn left onto Stahltwiete.
We have 8 parking spaces directly at the studios. Please only use the parking spaces marked HIGHNOON behind the building. First come, first serve.